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It is a way of acknowledging the sovereignty of God as owner of all created (Genesis 28:22; Deuteronomy 8:18; Psalm 24; Psalm 50: 9-12)

It is a test of one’s consecration (Mark 12:43)
It provides more amply for the financial needs of God’s work

It gives the satisfaction of being in God’s Will (Luke 16: 10-12)

It is an appreciation of God’s goodness (Genesis 14:20; 28:22; Hebrews 7:4)

It is biblical. (All above scriptures plus Malachi 3:8-10; Matthew 23:23; Luke 11:42; 1Corinthians 16:2)

If people under the Old Testament and the Law accept as a fair assessment 1/10 of their income, what self assessment will we make who live under the glorious liberty of the New Testament and Grace???


WHAT IS A TITHE? (Leviticus 27:32)

A tithe is one tenth or more of your money income. We owe at least this much to the Lord (Leviticus 27:30; Malachi 3:10)
It is that portion of our income set aside specifically for the Lord (1Corithians 16:2; 11Corithians 9:7; 11Corithians 8:12)

Special offerings, gifts, organization donations, and other giving become our money sacrifice for the Lord and are given in addition to Tithe.

“The purpose of tithing is to secure not the tithe but the tither, not the gift but the giver, not the possession but the possessor, not your money but you – for God.” – Anonymous

“When we surrender every area of our lives– including our finances–to God, then we are free to trust Him to meet our needs. But if we would rather hold tightly to those things that we possess, then we find ourselves in bondage to those very things.” – Larry Burkett, Money Matters



Everyone should tithe!

Those who are willing to trust God’s plan of giving and to have faith in His promise to open the windows of Heaven and pour out upon them blessings for which they have not storehouses to hold (Malachi 3:10; 2Corinthians 8:12)



I tithe because I love God for who He is. He is the Creator, Sustainer, Redeemer, and Friend of Mankind. I recognize Him as the eternal one who created this universe and all there is within it, including man. Therefore, He is the only one qualified to know what is best for me.

I tithe because of what God has done for me individually. He gave His only son that I might have life. He saved my soul from destruction. He keeps me safe from many of the hazards of this life, and He has blessed me with more of this world’s possessions than I deserve or probably have need of. He said “Prove Me” (Malachi 3:10), and I have, He has proved Himself. I am convinced.

I tithe because it is God’s plan to finance His kingdom. “The tithe is holy unto the Lord” (Leviticus 27:30). It is not only holy unto Him but it belongs wholly unto Him.

I tithe because it brings me real joy. I doubt that the real joy of a Christian exists in the life of a church member who does not tithe. The knowledge of doing God’s will in this matter brings peace of mind and joy to one’s heart.

I tithe because lost souls need the gospel. The Bible says: “Bring ye all the tithes… that there maybe meat in mine house” (Malachi 3:10). How will people be reached and saved unless God’s people bring the tithe into the storehouse?